Start a Business with LCF Fun Language Clubs
A Well Established Franchise Model
Each week children take part in a balanced mix of games, songs, role-plays, crafts, story-telling in a our Fun Language Clubs.
Franchisees have the option to teach either French, Spanish or both themselves or employ teachers to run the classes giving franchisees the opportunity to manage the business from home.
Franchisees who choose to teach themselves will need a good level of fluency within their chosen language(s).
No teaching qualifications are necessary. Training with the LCF Fun Languages Methodology will equip you with the skills needed to teach and run a business.
Each week children take part in a balanced mix of games, songs, roleplays, crafts, story-telling & Babelzone in a secure and friendly environments all over the country.

See a language class in action - come along with your child for a free trial lesson. Kids\' Fun French classes, Spanish classes and Mandarin classes available.
"A big thank you for your class so far at Somervell - Josie and I have been enjoying it very much and she shows interest at home in what she has learnt, using colours and numbers en français quite happily."
"I\'m very happy with the way you approach the class - the children are kept entertained and engaged, with each child getting individual attention, and that attention is appropriate to the age of the child. There is quite a difference in skill and focus level and learning strategies between a child of under 3 and a child of nearly 5, but you strike exactly the right note for each. I like the way you are consolidating what has been already learned, but without making it repetitious, and adding new material to extend the children\'s knowledge and maintain their interest. And you cope so well with Josie\'s somewhat subversive approach to games! \"
Diana, Auckland
\"Thank you Fun Languages! Ella loved her first French lesson with your club at school. I think that is the first time she has come home from school raving about how much she loved something!\"
Caroline, Auckland
\"We have really good feedback from the children. Both of them said they did enjoy the class and the time with you\".
Jamie, Auckland
\"The kids have really enjoyed their lessons with Jessica and learnt a great deal She has given them a great start in the language.\"
Dananka, Auckland
\"Many thanks for the awesome support and french classes! Muzzammil loves them :)"
Best Quanita, Auckland
\"Eva is really enjoying French at Baradene. She was really pleased to have a head start on what they are learning so it has been a great confidence boost. Thanks to all your hard work!\"
Emma, Auckland
Membership Packs
French and Spanish
Our language clubs have an annual membership pack which includes a CD, songbook, clear file, an annual subscription to our online language learning app called BABELZONE, reward stickers and an end of year certificate of completion.
The annual sibling pack includes a Handbook, a BABELZONE subscription, reward stickers and certificate of completion.
Individual Pack $59.50 / Sibling Pack $29.00
Mandarin Preschool and Primary School
Preschool - One off membership fee which includes a CD, songbook ,clear file, regular stickers and a certificate of completion at the end of the year.
Individual pack $40.25
Primary school - Annual membership pack for primary school children gives you access to Chinese Buddy, our online learning/review platform for Mandarin. The curriculum we use follows this online platform perfectly, and also adheres to the NZ Mandarin Curriculum Standards. On the site are games, songs, review slides, teaching videos, quizzes, and a forum to ask questions.
Individual pack $59.50
The German membership pack includes a CD and songbook, a clear file, reward stickers and a certificate of completion at the end of the year.
Individual pack $40.25
Can't find a club to suit?
Start language lessons at your child's childcare centre or preschool (ages 2-5 years) or primary school (ages 5-12 years). We only need 6 children to get started!
I have NEW language classes starting up all the time!